to everything (turn, turn, turn)

I wish I could say I’m excited that the seasons have turned (more of an abrupt snap than a gradual change this year); most people I know look forward to the weather cooling down. Frankly, I’d be happy if it were summer all year ’round: I’m a warm weather kind of gal, and I get kind of upset when I see snow outside. Like, inordinately upset. But I’m trying to come to grips with the fact that I do live in a place with all four seasons, and cold weather is inevitable. That said, one of the few things I enjoy about the arrival of cooler temperatures is breaking out the fall and winter garb that hasn’t seen the light of day in several months: boots, scarves, gloves… these are the things that keep me happy when the weather outside looks like some sort of post-apocalyptic gray fog.

So here’s to the seasons changing and the opportunity to bust out the wool, flannel, and (sigh)… even sweatpants.