baby, come back (pain)

Eight years ago, I started running. Feeling particularly low about myself due to the blowback from a painful breakup, I joined up with a friend and started training for a half marathon, a goal that seemed lofty and laughably unattainable at the time. After a few months of training, and successfully conquering a 10K over the summer, I finished my first half-marathon over Labor Day weekend in 2010. In the...

coming home

After almost five weeks in Colombia, I came home. This was not the narrative I had planned for my little overseas dalliance. I was supposed to be in Colombia for over six months, set to return in mid-December. I thought I’d come back fulfilled, with perfect Spanish and tons of amazing stories and not even wanting to return home. Life had other plans, though, I suppose. First, let me say...

Colombia update: expectations versus reality

So I’ve been putting off writing any kind of Colombia update because… well, because being here has been more difficult than I imagined. I’ve been waiting for my mood and attitude to change, but I figured it’s good to be honest, and I want to chronicle what’s *actually* going on with me, so here it is. I can actually track my mood changes by scrolling through the photos on my...

bad cats

If you’re a cat owner (rather, if you are owned by a cat), then you’ll know what I mean when I say that it’s nigh on impossible to get much done around the house if the cat is in an attention-seeking mood. All bets are off: you’d better drop everything to give the cat some pets or they will log your having ignored them and be back with a vengeance...

why ‘The Stylish Disaster’?

When I tell people what my blog URL is, it usually gets a good-natured chortle, and that was kind of the point: style and snark, all in one title. Imma get real with y’all for a sec, if you’ll allow me. The Stylish Disaster, to me, is such a fitting moniker because I feel like a total disaster probably 75 percent of the time. The other 25 percent is largely driven by...