best of 2015

My life is more or less run by lists. I make them at work and at home, and I know few greater feelings than that of scratching off a particularly arduous task on a ‘to-do’ list. Without a list in the grocery store, I’m like a lost sheep who’s easily distracted by bright colors and clever packaging (I’m a marketer’s dream, I swear) so I need a definitive list to...

November in style

2015 is just flying on by, and I don’t know about you guys but it’s been a great year: lots of change (mostly positive!) and opportunity, which always excites me and keeps me going. That said, in terms of opportunity, there’s some style gold happening in November and here’s a roundup of events to get y’all amped for another season! I’ve been pumped up about the Balmain for H&M release...

fashion, ladies

Fall is great. People actually get excited about it (who gets excited about winter in Texas? NO ONE) and there’s pumpkin spice what-have-you all over the place, bringing out the most basic side of me (though you’d never catch me in Uggs, just so we’re clear). This fall in particular has been nice because, well, it hasn’t gotten cold yet, which I LOVE (summer forever!) Though Austin has gotten just...