April fools

So, here’s the deal. Life as I know it has been one big bout of insanity these last several weeks, and while I’ve done and seen lots of things, taken a few photos, had many grand ideas about what to write about next and even started to type out a few words about that stuff… I just can’t seem to get my act together these days. Call it Spring Fever, or just call me an overscheduled, overanxious scatterbrain… either way, these last few weeks have been a bit of a blogfail. So! Apropos of nothing, here’s two shots of Things Men Wear that Make Me Want to Stab My Eyes Out:

There you have it, folks. Guys, we’ve talked about this, and we’ve talked about it again, but I feel like we just keep having this conversation and nothing ever changes. What’s the saying: you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to wear garments that don’t make women grimace with disgust… something like that.

Until next time, when I’ve gathered my thoughts sufficiently to create a coherent post that doesn’t read like an attention deficit-disordered stream of consciousness. Here’s hoping.

Nothing to see here, folks.
