breaking down ‘Texas style’

What is ‘Texas style’? Is it defined by any one look or article of clothing? I’m genuinely curious about this: to me, ‘Texas style’ in sartorial terms can connote many different things. When I Googled ‘what is Texas style’ all of the top links returned were about barbecue, so that wasn’t exactly helpful, though it did make me hungry. (Thanks, Google.) A search for ‘Texas-style clothing’ only returns western wear,...

judge not: weekend edition

I’ve come to realize something about myself: during the week, I’m a bastion of productivity. I wake up early, go to work, sometimes work out (but not as often as I should, I’ll be honest). I’ll run errands during my lunch break and dutifully mow the lawn when I get home. I’ve even been known to attend an event or two during the week and get together with friends for...

Instagram trends

I’ve decided that I lovehate Instagram. Approximately 73% useful tool and 27% bizarre crap, it’s become a great way for me to reach out and find other like-minded bloggers (are we following each other? This is me if not!) and also find random memes and photos of adorable baby animals that I like to scroll through to pass the time. Cute kittens and Internet hilarity aside, I’ve discovered a trend...

people are strange

Jim Morrison said it (and boy was he right), but I wonder what he’d have to say about the baffling human behavior so prevalent in modern society. I find myself perplexed and, at times, straight up bewildered by the words and actions of my fellow humans. Every day, someone I cross paths with will say or do something that leaves me simultaneously confused and worried for the future of the...

adios, fiesta

Moving recently has put me in a ‘simplify life’ mood and has caused me to purge all unwanted, random crap that won’t be missed from my (now shared) living space. Naturally, this includes clothes, shoes, and other accessories that I haven’t worn or awhile or don’t think I want to be wearing in the future. Some of you may recall my mention of these lovable monstrosities dubbed the “fiesta pants”...