living the good life






dress: Native Youth via Vagabond Boutique
shoes: Gibran
bag: Hatton Henry 
necklace: via Workshop Underground

photos by Chelsea Laine Francis

This outfit is an amalgam of pieces from various trips and getaways. The shoes were a souvenir from my recent trip to Argentina, the dress and necklace came back with me from Philadelphia, and the bag is a favorite that I picked up at a maker’s fair in Austin this past holiday season. When I look at each of these things in my closet (and many other treasures from trips abroad and happenstance finds that I scored here in Texas), it brings back vivid memories of how I felt, who I was with at the time, and where I was. Clothes have always been more than just clothes to me, and the time-and-place attachment is one of the reasons why.

These last several weeks have been an interesting time for me. Some of you know this already, but about six weeks ago I left my corporate job and have been taking a break here in Austin, studying for a professional exam I’ll take later this month and preparing for the next adventure. In about a month, I’ll be moving to Colombia to teach English for the rest of 2016! Yes, y’all read that right. I’m taking time off to do something that’s been on my list for a long time, and I’m incredibly happy about it. I chose Colombia because I’ve heard nothing but great things from people I know who’ve spent time there, and I want to get my Spanish language skills back up to where I feel like they should be. This will be an adventure for sure, and I’m excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

I really am living the good life. I feel unbelievably lucky to have had the opportunities I’ve had and experienced the things I’ve done in the four years since I moved to Austin. When I came here, I really had no idea what to expect. At the time, I was depressed and sick of living in Seattle, a place where I never thought I really fit in and didn’t make me happy. I had high hopes for the future, and look at what’s happened since then: a job change, living in a couple different places, shaving my head, many fun trips to faraway destinations, and of course meeting Brett, my main squeeze for over three years now. Life can be weird and wild, full of ups and downs. I’m excited to see where this adventure takes me and what happens next.

And! I’m still waffling on what form this blog is going to take during my time in South America, so I want your feedback! Should I report on strictly fashion/style? A day-to-day series of updates or ‘day-in-the-life’-type take to make this more life a journal? Colombia like a local? I’d love your thoughts and ideas!