steppin’ out: the maiden post

So here I am, a week after setting up this blog page, cranking out my very first post. This is my first attempt at blogging; the tone and format will likely change many times throughout the lifetime of this small online existence and so, to anyone who may find themselves reading this (will anyone read this? remains to be seen I suppose… ), please bear with me.

I have yet to fill out the ‘online profile’ portion of this page, so I’ll just say a bit about the who, what, why, wtf?, etc. I’m a 27-year-old gal (woman? maybe some day) living in Boise, Idaho. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a love affair with fashion. My mother likes to remind me of when I was about eight or nine years old, and before bedtime each night I would meticulously lay out my outfit for the following day on my bedroom floor (complete with shoes, socks, and any other accessories I saw fit). While I’d like to think that my sartorial tastes have matured somewhat since the days of pastel sweatsuits with color-coordinated scrunch socks and white Keds, I will freely admit that new clothes make me just as excited now as they did when I was in third grade, unable to sleep because I was oh, so excited to debut my new hair bow at school the next morning.

I read my first fashion magazine when I was in fifth grade. I remember it was the December 1992 issue of Glamour, and there was a rundown of the magazine’s fashion Dos and Don’ts for the year. I remember studying each of the outfits in the spread, making mental notes to myself of what was a ‘do’ and which styles the magazine would classify as a fashion misstep. I grew up in Houston, Texas, where I lived until I was almost 15. Texas in 1992 was a dark place to be from a fashion perspective: Achy-Breaky-mania was in full force, and country western clothing and big hair were the thing for the 10- to 14-year-old set. While the looks in fashion magazines weren’t exactly relevant to an 11-year-old girl living in Texas, I was interested nonetheless.

Fast-forward 17 years and 1,500 or so miles, and here I am: a single (unmarried, but in a relationship) 20-something girl. I have a day job, a graduate degree, good friends, a wonderful boyfriend, and caring, supportive family. My tastes and interests are random and varied, and change frequently (my fashion choices in particular). I have day-to-day triumphs and tragedies just as everyone else does, and am taking a (small) leap to put something out there. So welcome to my little online world; let’s give this a whirl, shall we?
